Programme created by Pennie Brownlee and based on the teachings by Dr Emmi Pikler
What’s in these classes for you?
Playspace classes are ideally for toddlers between 1 & 2 years. Classes happen once a week for 10 weeks and are held in Paeroa, Thames, and Waihi.
These classes are free of charge.
To register for a class please either call 07 868 8644 or email [email protected]
Toddlerhood brings with it fresh learnings about what partnership really is. It is a time when the young child’s push for autonomy very often outstrips the parents’ skills for partnership. During these classes you will be supported to learn more of the partnership skills which make up The Culture of Respect.
These classes are free of charge.
To register for a class please either call 07 868 8644 or email [email protected]
Toddlerhood brings with it fresh learnings about what partnership really is. It is a time when the young child’s push for autonomy very often outstrips the parents’ skills for partnership. During these classes you will be supported to learn more of the partnership skills which make up The Culture of Respect.
You will learn new steps for the Dance of Partnership with your toddler
During our parent-infant classes you established the partnership-dance with your baby by using the skill of respectful invitation. But your toddler is really bright, and it doesn’t take too long before she works out that she can turn your invitation down. Then what?
You will learn how to manage conflict
Conflict is a normal and essential part of life. We will explore skills for managing our own conflict with our children, and for managing the conflict that arises between children.
You will learn how to support your toddler in her growth
Toddlers unfold through play. We will learn to recognise their inbuilt patterns of play as they unfold, and how to support them for your toddler’s optimum development and learning.
You will learn how to support your child’s imagination
Everything in the commercial world of children’s toys is stacked against your child growing their
imagination, from colouring-in books to plastic (or wooden) food. We will explore how to protect your child’s imagination - and save yourself a lot of money.
You will learn how to ‘keep your batteries charged’
Self-care is not selfish, self-care is acting responsibly toward yourself and your family. Together we will look at caring for ourselves so we have enough energy
During our parent-infant classes you established the partnership-dance with your baby by using the skill of respectful invitation. But your toddler is really bright, and it doesn’t take too long before she works out that she can turn your invitation down. Then what?
You will learn how to manage conflict
Conflict is a normal and essential part of life. We will explore skills for managing our own conflict with our children, and for managing the conflict that arises between children.
You will learn how to support your toddler in her growth
Toddlers unfold through play. We will learn to recognise their inbuilt patterns of play as they unfold, and how to support them for your toddler’s optimum development and learning.
You will learn how to support your child’s imagination
Everything in the commercial world of children’s toys is stacked against your child growing their
imagination, from colouring-in books to plastic (or wooden) food. We will explore how to protect your child’s imagination - and save yourself a lot of money.
You will learn how to ‘keep your batteries charged’
Self-care is not selfish, self-care is acting responsibly toward yourself and your family. Together we will look at caring for ourselves so we have enough energy