Robyn James is a Counsellor who works in Thames
You can email Robyn or phone her on 020 41218350
Robyn is a Counsellor who works with adults (men and women), gay clients and young women.
She describes her modalities (ways of working) as Client Centered, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), DBT, trauma focused and ACT.
She is a Member NZAC, which guarantees commitment to the NZAC Code of Ethics and absolute confidentiality.
Robyn is a Counsellor who works with adults (men and women), gay clients and young women.
She describes her modalities (ways of working) as Client Centered, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), DBT, trauma focused and ACT.
She is a Member NZAC, which guarantees commitment to the NZAC Code of Ethics and absolute confidentiality.